How to Develop a Sales Process that Works | Michael Wills on The Sales Evangelist Podcast

I recently had the opportunity to speak with The Sales Evangelist – none other than Donald Kelly himself! We discussed how to develop a sales process that actually works. Many sellers have no real sense of direction, but are still expected to be successful. That simply doesn’t cut it. You need a defined sales process that is built around the way buyers buy.

Talking Sales Process on The Sales Evangelist PodcastThe Sales Evangelist podcast is a sales marvel, building up a significant social network of sales professionals from all over the world. In fact, the podcast is downloaded an average of 65,000 times in 155 countries!

Listen to the Podcast here

About The Sales Evangelist

Donald Kelly is the host of the popular sales podcast,“The Sales Evangelist.” As the founder of The Sales Evangelist Consulting Firm, he helps small companies develop killer sales process to scale their business and increase growth. He is also an award-winning speaker, sales trainer, and coach. He has a belief that “anyone” can sell if they have the desire and receives the proper training.